Sunday, November 30, 2008

The King Sized Bed has arrived!

There are few things in life that are more important and harder to explain to those who never have had to worry about a good nights sleep. A good bed and a good nights sleep with some serious REM time is so critical to everything else in life, from memory to weight loss to sex drive...

After three years of planning, begging and negotiating-we got the uber-comfy Eastern King Size matress/bed and I am lovin it. Eastern King is the same length as a Queen (80 inches) but 76 inches wide. It's the widest commercially made bed you can get. The Cal King is longer (84 inches) but not as wide (72 inches). It's those last four inches that make all the difference.

Pics coming soon as we moved our bedroom to the upstairs and turned it into our own personal Rennaissance Castle Themed hide-a-way.

Viva La REM Sleep!

Friday, November 14, 2008

I fell into a Burning Ring of Fire

My morning started with a nice cup of coffee, a kitty in the bed, Bill and Amy on the radio and a call from my Momma with sirens in the background. Gosh that's alot of fire trucks Mom calmly wondered aloud into the phone...

An hour later I am standing in front of Mom and Dave's home that they have completely remodeled (much of it with their own hands and a good 55-gallon drum of Dave's sweat) - behind it Mother Nature is threatening to take it all down in 15 minutes flat, with a lick of flame and some help from the Santa Ana's.

So we spoke of the things that one would take in case of an evacuation. What is irreplaceable? What is sentimental? What has blood pumping through it's veins?

We came up with this list:



Id's, Birth Certificates, credit cards, cash, current bills not paid

Computer hard drives

Prescription Glasses


Cell Phones

Prescriptions (not that this healthy twosome takes anything but aspirin)

Family Photos


Dave's Drums-One of a kind and NOT replaceable


Your list may be similar or completely different. I sincerely hope none of us ever have to use it.

Blogging Baby Steps

Um, Hello? Is anybody out there? Testing-testing (taps microphone) *Test* *TEST*-ahem, (Clears throat) here goes.

"This is my blog and I can not lie
You other Bloggers can't deny"

Old, tired, overused. Let me try again-

"I started a Blog and I like it"

Argh! Too controversial. One more time-

"All you need is, a Blog, a Blog-A Blog is all you need"

That's IT!

and with that little muscial intro....I give you....My Blog, my life, my musings, ranting, ravings, random thoughts, deep introspectives and every once in a great while, a tiny sliver of genius that can most likely be attributed to the cat walking across the keyboard.

**blog may contain excessive calories and carbohydrates. blog could harm small children. read blog at your own risk. any injuries, real or imagined, from reading said blog are the sole responsibility of the reader. not taxable in Canada. void where prohibited, not available to residents of red states.